All About Mars
The world we want tomorrow starts with how we do business today.

Our Brands
For generations, you and your family — including the four-legged members — have loved our brands, products, and services. Our Associates are working to ensure that everything you know and love consistently evolves to deliver the best for your family.

Our guiding Principles
The Five Principles are the foundation of how we do business today and every day for more than 100 years. Mars Associates in every country are committed to Quality, Responsibility, Mutuality, Efficiency and Freedom, and use our Principles to guide their decisions.
Our diverse and growing company
Every year, our diverse and expanding portfolio of products and services delights millions of people and pets. We deliver quality pet nutrition, diagnostics, health monitoring, DNA testing and veterinary care, and we offer some of the world’s best-loved food and snacking brands.

Note: 1. Percentages represent % of fiscal 2023 net sales reconciled to US GAAP total. 2. "Billion Dollar Brands" represent brands which have generated over $1 billion in net sales as of December 31, 2023 based on Mars management reporting.
Navigating our progress
Mars has been a family-owned business for over a century. Like any business, we set measures to track our progress. But unlike just any business, we are a company owned across generations who thinks in generations.
The Mars Compass is a set of objectives and philosophical approach that determines our path forward. These quadrants guide our business strategy and measures our progress in four areas of our business:

Strong financial performances
Top-tier performances that gives us the freedom to create the world we want tomorrow

Quality growth
Momentum and growth in our brands and categories, and the exploration of new opportunities, to help us grow for the next 100 years

Trusted Partner
The response we see from stakeholders on how we are living up to our commitments and their expectations of Mars as a business

Positive societal impact
Our commitment to helping people, their pets and the planet thrive, which in part we're working to deliver through our Sustainable in a Generation Plan

Prioritizing Inclusivity
At Mars, we're united by our differences
We're accelerating our commitment to our workplaces and communities with a comprehensive Inclusion and Diversity Strategy.

Building Tomorrow, Today
Our Leaders' Vision For A Better World
Every day, our leaders do their best to embody and act upon the principle-based behaviors that set the tone for how we do business.